Together we can make a difference
Faith based result driven non-profit organization that focuses on rebuilding minority communities and improving the quality of life by providing vital life resources for marginalized individuals and families as well as working and supporting our partners and other organizations.

Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”
Upcoming Events
Brothers in Christ sponsors events throughout the year to help minority groups suffering hardships. In addition, we provide support, resources, and volunteers to other non-profit and community organizations. Check out our 2024 event calendar to see a full list of our upcoming community events.
BIC Global is a men’s prayer group composed of community activist that was established by Stan Hayes (Progressive Baptist Church of Chicago member) and Andrew Brown (Living Word Christian Center of Forest Park member) in 2005. Thursdays was a day they dedicated to fasting, prayer and fellowship with one another. These two men of God decided to invite male relatives and close friends to join them in fasting and prayer on Thursdays. To make this fellowship more effectual and to give God more glory they decided to establish a prayer conference call. To this day, the call has a dedicated line every Thursday for from 6 AM to 7 AM. The men of BIC have had many life changing testimonies and praise reports. These challenging experiences have allowed them to display Gods awesome power in their lives. This power from the God has encouraged and inspired men across the United States. B.I.C. Global believes in Brother Blessing Brothers with encouragement and support. Brother in Christ Global is striving to expand their life changing ministry throughout the world.
Brothers In Christ Global, is positioned to achieve our goals to empower men and families to achieve the plan God has for their lives (Jeremiah 29:11), and build viable communities in education, business innovation, and entrepreneurship, as well as, assisting community organizers, faith leaders, and activists with resources for connection, spiritual sustainability, and accompaniment.
Brothers in Christ Global (Bringing Individuals to Christ Globally) by providing:
- Initiatives to decrease Gun Violence
- Help for Homelessness
- Feeding the Hungry
- Support for other Community and Faith-based Organizations
Our goal is to enhance spiritual and economic development in our minority communities using targeted resources and programs. In addition to supporting other liked minded organizations.
Darryl Watson
Vic DuBois
Anthony Goolsby
CPD- 4th District Faith Base Organization
CPD- 3rd District Faith Base Organization
Rainbow Push
Community Empowerment Initiative
The Community Empowerment Program aims to create a more informed, capable, and connected community by addressing key areas of literacy and personal development, fostering holistic growth and empowerment.
Focus Areas:
- Literacy (including adult literacy)
- Youth and Adult Development
- Food Equity
- Media Outreach